제품명 [EVAPCO]   (   eco-ATWB-H   /   Closed Circuit Cooler   ) 작성일 16-06-15 15:46
글쓴이 최고관리자 조회수 2,348




The eco-ATWB-H is an induced draft, counterflow design closed circuit cooler with a CTI Certified capacity range of 850 to 16700 MBH (250 to 4895 kW). Standard construction includes the patented, high efficiency  EVAPCO Ellipti-fin Coil, EVAPCO’s new ARID fin Pak™ dry coil, and G-235 (Z-725 Europe) galvanized steel casing and basin. Type 304 or 316 stainless steel construction is available for the basin or the entire unit.

▶  Continuous water savings, even when the spray pump is energized

▶  Highest dry bulb switchover temperatures

▶  Plume abatement

▶  Plume elimination


이전글 [EVAPCO] 2016-06-15
다음글 [EVAPCO] 2016-06-15